venerdì 10 dicembre 2010

notion Ink Adam pre-order failure and disaster

Although I usually write in italian in my blog, i want to write an article which can be read from anyone in the world.

I was enthusiastic about buying a tablet which specifics were magnificent as the notion ink adam were.
So I waited util 6:00 am (indian time) to be able to preorder.
I was trying to buy the top model, the one with Pixel Qi LCD, Wifi +3G even if I still didn't know how much internal storage was Notion providing (8? 16?) and even if there where no videos or images of the tablet running its os, I had to trust because on interente there are only photoshopped images.

Anyway, I reach the homepage and click on the preorder link.
I find out that shipment takes 6-8 WEEKS.
I'm starting to fell mad, but I'm going on.
I selected device and click "Buy" button.
I find out that shipment is 50 $..................... even more mad..............
I fill the form in every field and the I click on the "proceed to review" button
I get the review of the data filled and then I have to check the box "I accept all the terms and conditions." before getting to the payment page.
The terms are saying that:
- Notion is not responsible for ANY kind of shipment failure, ANY. ("Notion Ink holds no responsibility for the shipments delayed or lost due to unforeseen & unavoidable reasons arising due to Man Made or natural circumstances"). EVERYTHING is due to "man made" or "natural circumstances".
-  there is no information about duties: the object can be shipped and then stopped at the frontier (the CE certify is promised but there's no guarantee it will be actually attached) and the buyer must pay a variable duty tax declare from 0% to 100% of the price object; so the buyer can pay 1200$ for the tablet in the worst case (admitting that after he have paied duties he will be soon owning his device).
- if the shipment gets back to Notion in any case (not only the case of wrong address) you will be charged for another shipment price and a penalty of 10 USD along with any charges paid by Notion Ink not limited to customs duty, handling charges, taxes & service charges levied by shipping = THEY CAN CHARGE YOU FOR EVERYTHING.

Finally when you, despite these things, decide to accept you get this error from the website:

Merchant URL is Incorrect.

Sorry, Your order cannot be processed as the website is not authorised for Transactions through CCAvenue. 

Please contact the Webstore Administrator to report this error. 

But this error happens only to some buyers.
Many other buyers weren't able to procced anyway beacause Mastercard paying method is still not accepted even if it  had been promised.
Many users, on their blog, showed disapponting for these and other errors or obstacles.
Others are saying that preorder is only a method to collect money for a advertising campaign because thay have no money at all.
Anyway, this could have been the greatest tablet of the moment at a better price than iPad ang Galaxy tab, but is hard (or impossible), long and expensive to get it.

And last thing: does anyone knows which is the internal storage? 8 gb? 16 gb? how can you sell an object without specifying the full tech specs (this includes also the "mistery function")?

Bye Bye Notion
Waiting for Motorola's tablet that will be surely more easy to buy. Even if it could be a little bit more expensive it will be surely delivered soon, with warranty, no misteries about duties and borders, or threats of penalties.

4 commenti:

  1. Al di là del problema legato al sito (l'impossibilità di portare l'ordine a termine per errori vari), tutte le altre clausole di contratto, lette in inglese e ben tradotte non hanno nulla di strano o di diverso da quelle di ogni acquisto.
    La Notion ovviamente non pagherà le tasse doganali e se fornisci indirizzi errati si arrabbiano, ho comprato un sacco di cose online e mi sembra tutto nella assoluta norma...
    Inoltra loro specificano che non sono responsabili di problemi "imprevedibili e inevitabili" che è molto diverso da come l'hai tradotto tu...

  2. 1) Notion Ink holds no responsibility for the shipments delayed or lost due
    to unforeseen & unavoidable reasons arising due to Man Made or natural circumstances


    Notionink declina ogni responsabilità per i ritardi nelle spedizioni o perdite a causa
    di ragioni imprevedibili e inevitabili derivanti da fattori umani o naturali circostanze.

    qualunque disguido rientra in cause derivanti da fattori umani o naturali circostanze. Possono lavarsi le mani di ogni protesta per mancata spedizione.

    Se poi l'oggetto viene bloccato in dogana (non solo se l'indirizzo è errato) e rispedito al mittente (facile se ha anche solo una virgola fuori posto) si deve ripagare la spedizione (e fin qui potrei esser daccordo) + 10 $ extra e tutti gli altri costi "gestionali" che notionink DICHIARA di aver sostenuto.

    Anche io compro all'estero e ho anche avuto a che fare con le dogane per oggetti provenienti dall'asia.
    Questo oggetto rischierebbe molto probabilm di essere bloccato alla dogana italiana perchè manca la documentazione della certificazione CE di cui non viene mai fatta menzione ufficiale.
    Per questo scherzetto ho perso un'oggetto in dogana e se lo sono tenuti, non ci sono dazi o ritardi in più, l'oggetto è PERSO.

  3. Hey - Although I agree that it seems a bit weird and the marketing/ordering/shipping processis not very smooth, but I trust the company - just because it promises to deliver a really good product at fair price. Not restricted by connectivities, not overly expensive.
    I guess you shouldn't be as harsh to say that it is a completely unwise move to buy this thing which we have not even dreamed of. All we know is iPad/galaxy - here is a promise of a fantastic product.

  4. and that's why i was enthusiastic when i was going to buy it!
    even if i still didnt know the amount of the internal storage, the mistery feature and when it was really going to be in my hands.

    but the other issues are enough for me.
    And promising me a wonderful product at lower price than expected isn't a guarantee for me, at all! that's exactly what cheaters do, and I don't want to say that they are, I just want to say that this isn't a guarantee at all!


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